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Golden Lakes Village ****

Golden Lakes Village ****

Comfortable holiday for sports enthusiasts

Do you like natural surroundings with woods, lakes and meadows? Do you like to be active? But would you really like to enjoy the same comforts as home? Then a holiday at Golden Lakes Village in the Belgian Ardennes is perfect for you. The view from the many windows of your villa is that of Lac de la Plate Taille, one of the large Eau d'Heure lakes. These are magnificent surroundings for anyone who loves water sports.

From pedal boats to fly boards

The Eau d'Heure lakes came into being because of the construction of a dam, and have become a popular destination among water sports enthusiasts. You can go for or discover all forms of water recreation: swimming, stand-up paddleboarding, surfing, sailing, kayaking, cycling on a pedal boat. But there are also more challenging activities such as diving, waterskiing and flyboarding. There are various businesses that rent or lease around Golden Lakes Village.

Abseiling between the trees

Are you more of a landlubber than a water rat? This part of the Ardennes is also great for hiking and cycling along the banks of the lakes or through the vast woods and meadows. Real daredevils go to the nearby Nature Park, where there are various levels of tree climbing adventures. You can also abseil over the water or take a Tarzan leap between the trees.

Village along the waterfront

Golden Lakes Village appears to be a quiet village along the waterfront. However, the small winding streets hold spacious villas that are equipped with every convenience and have plenty of space around them. Included in the park complex is the ‘bistronomic’ restaurant La Brasserie des Lacs, where you can dine at your leisure and enjoy the local dishes. The Golden Lakes Hotel is at the same location and, for a fee, you can use its various wellness facilities.

An underground boat trip

During your camping holiday at Golden Lakes Village, be sure to visit the La Plate Taille dam. There is a wonderful view of the lake area from the tower in the dam – 107 metres high. You can also learn all there is to know about generating electricity. Another fun family outing is the Neptune Caves near Petigny. You follow the Eau Noire river underground for a short while. Your visit starts on foot and continues in a small boat. The finale of the tour is an amazing light and sound show by the underground waterfalls.
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Vores gunstige bookingbetingelser

  • Forudbetaling kun 15%, resten 5 uger før ankomst
  • Mulighed for at betale i rater, kort og bankoverførsel
  • Med FlexGaranti - gratis afbestilling op til 6 uger før ankomst
  • Loyalitetsprogram SunBonus
  • Sunnycamp holidays er tilsluttet det tyske rejseforbund ”Deutscher ReiseVerband” (DRV). Mere information

  • Sunnycamp holidays er tilsluttet til SGR. Mere information

  • Powered by ACSI


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Detaljeret information over campingpladsen


Golden Lakes Village

Route de la Plate Taille 51
6440 - Boussu-lez-Walcourt
Afstand fra Flensborg: 803 km

Planlæg rute

Koordinater: 50°11'20"N 4°22'19"E

Rejs miljøbevidst

Hvor meget CO2 udleder du med denne rejse? Vi beregner det for dig (afgangssted Flensborg). Træf et miljøbevidst valg ved at vælge grønnere transportmuligheder og reducer din CO2-udedning.

Hvordan beregnes CO2-udledningen? Vi har antaget, at der kommer fire personer. Vi har beregnet følgende emissioner pr. person:
Tog: 0,03 kg pr. Kilometer
Bil: 0,137 kg pr. Kilometer
Fly: Fra 0,59 kg til 1,04 kg pr. kilometer, alt afhængig af afstanden

En lavere CO2-emission er bedre for miljøet. Vælger du en oplevelse med mening?

Hvordan beregnes CO2-udledningen? Vi har antaget, at der kommer fire personer. Vi har beregnet følgende emissioner pr. person:
Tog: 0,03 kg pr. Kilometer
Bil: 0,137 kg pr. Kilometer
Fly: Fra 0,59 kg til 1,04 kg pr. kilometer, alt afhængig af afstanden

En lavere CO2-emission er bedre for miljøet. Vælger du en oplevelse med mening?

Mere info


Se pladskort for Golden Lakes Village​ her. Du kan også downloade pladskorten som en pdf.


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Campingpladserne besøges hvert år i maj-september af inspektører fra ACSI. Ændringer, som foretages af campingpladsen efter besøgene, kan vi desværre ikke tage forbehold for og vil i sådanne tilfælde ikke fremgå af vores hjemmeside.

Campingpladserne besøges hvert år i maj-september af inspektører fra ACSI. Ændringer, som foretages af campingpladsen efter besøgene, kan vi desværre ikke tage forbehold for og vil i sådanne tilfælde ikke fremgå af vores hjemmeside.

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