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Camping L'Hippocampe *****

Camping L'Hippocampe *****

Small campsite, big fun

A heated leisure pool and the Mediterranean Sea only a kilometre away: this luxury campsite in the South of France is for water lovers. Here, you will feel like a seahorse in water. Camping l’Hippocampe is a massive playground for children. Games in the sports complex, entertaining evening shows: there is plenty to do. And good to know: this campsite is fairly small and car free. So, children can run around with confidence. Meanwhile, parents can enjoy a drink in the Thai restaurant.

Beach holiday by the Mediterranean Sea

If you drive along the Mediterranean coast to Spain, you will pass Perpignan close to the border. You will feel the genuine Catalan atmosphere here. Camping l’Hippocampe is just under Perpignan, in Argèles-sur-Mer. You can enjoy your camping holiday at less than a kilometre from the Mediterranean Sea. It is quite touristy here due to the wide beach. But it is nowhere near as busy as the Côte d’Azur or Costa Brava. But possibly just as beautiful.

Leisure pool in the tropics

The campsite has a lovely leisure pool. Waterfalls, slides and hot tubs: it's just like you are in the tropics. And all the more because you swim among the palm trees. If you would rather swim in the Mediterranean Sea, it's only a ten-minute walk to the beach. That will be hours of sunbathing and swimming in the sea!

French campsite, Thai restaurant

A good Thai restaurant is not something you don't readily find at a French campsite. That makes Le Bambou restaurant even more special. You can eat delicious food in this restaurant with Thai cuisine and a Thai head chef. Le Bambou is next to the leisure pool. You find yourself sitting amid parasols and palm trees. And for that real beach bar feeling, there is beach sand under your feet. Even if you would just like a drink, you are warmly welcome to take a seat on the large patio. You can wine and dine here for hours.

Safe and entertaining

You can confidently let your children roam free at Camping l’Hippocampe. The campsite is small and car free. On top of that, they'll be in good hands with the entertainment team. Games are played weekly on the many sports fields. Children can also go there by themselves to play football, beach volleyball and tennis. Are they exhausted from all the sport? Or will they stay up for an entertaining show or concert in the restaurant?

One of France's hottest cities: Perpignan

Perpignan is one of France's hottest cities. That is not surprising with over 300 hundred days of sun a year. Perpignan is also a beautiful city to visit. The city was in Spanish hands for a long time during the Middle Ages. The French eventually took it over in the 17th century. Many buildings still show a piece of the history. For example, the Palace of the Kings of Majorca, which was built in 1309. If you visit Perpignan, you are guaranteed a day of sun and history.

Even more fun at Camping La Sirène

If you want even more fun and entertainment, no problem. Big brother, Camping La Sirène, is on the other side of the road. As a guest of Camping l’Hippocampe, you are warmly welcome there. With a special pass, you are free to dive into the enormous leisure pool. The water playground and giant slides are extremely popular with children.
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Vores gunstige bookingbetingelser

  • Forudbetaling kun 15%, resten 5 uger før ankomst
  • Mulighed for at betale i rater, kort og bankoverførsel
  • Med FlexGaranti - gratis afbestilling op til 6 uger før ankomst
  • Loyalitetsprogram SunBonus
  • Sunnycamp holidays er tilsluttet det tyske rejseforbund ”Deutscher ReiseVerband” (DRV). Mere information

  • Sunnycamp holidays er tilsluttet til SGR. Mere information

  • Powered by ACSI


Detaljeret information over campingpladsen


  • Bad og toilet
  • Personale
  • Pris/kvalitetsforhold
  • Indkvartering
  • Sportsfaciliteter
  • Omgivelser
Total score
8,3 Score fra 3 bedømmelser


Gezellige familiecamping met leuk zwembad en zelfs in september nog een avondprogramma (live muziek) Tevens toegang tot grote zustercamping La Sirene (overkant van de weg) met groot theater en groot zwembad.


Familie med børn, 4 – 12 år

Zeer geschikte familiecamping


Familie med børn, 4 – 12 år

Leuke kleinschalige autovrije familie camping. Als je de drukte wil opzoeken kun je naar La Sirena.



Camping L'Hippocampe

route de Taxo a la Mer
66701 - Argelès-sur-Mer
Afstand fra Flensborg: 1.762 km

Planlæg rute

Koordinater: 42°34'16"N 3°1'52"E

Campingpladsens beliggenhed
  • Afstand til havet (max. 10 km)
    • afstand: 0.9 km

Rejs miljøbevidst

Hvor meget CO2 udleder du med denne rejse? Vi beregner det for dig (afgangssted Flensborg). Træf et miljøbevidst valg ved at vælge grønnere transportmuligheder og reducer din CO2-udedning.

Hvordan beregnes CO2-udledningen? Vi har antaget, at der kommer fire personer. Vi har beregnet følgende emissioner pr. person:
Tog: 0,03 kg pr. Kilometer
Bil: 0,137 kg pr. Kilometer
Fly: Fra 0,59 kg til 1,04 kg pr. kilometer, alt afhængig af afstanden

En lavere CO2-emission er bedre for miljøet. Vælger du en oplevelse med mening?

Hvordan beregnes CO2-udledningen? Vi har antaget, at der kommer fire personer. Vi har beregnet følgende emissioner pr. person:
Tog: 0,03 kg pr. Kilometer
Bil: 0,137 kg pr. Kilometer
Fly: Fra 0,59 kg til 1,04 kg pr. kilometer, alt afhængig af afstanden

En lavere CO2-emission er bedre for miljøet. Vælger du en oplevelse med mening?

Mere info


Se pladskort for Camping L'Hippocampe​ her. Du kan også downloade pladskorten som en pdf.


Almene oplysninger

Campingpladserne besøges hvert år i maj-september af inspektører fra ACSI. Ændringer, som foretages af campingpladsen efter besøgene, kan vi desværre ikke tage forbehold for og vil i sådanne tilfælde ikke fremgå af vores hjemmeside.

06-04-2025 til 25-09-2025
50 ha
Total antal standpladser

Campingpladserne besøges hvert år i maj-september af inspektører fra ACSI. Ændringer, som foretages af campingpladsen efter besøgene, kan vi desværre ikke tage forbehold for og vil i sådanne tilfælde ikke fremgå af vores hjemmeside.

  • Wifi/ Internet

    • Wifi 80-100% dækning
  • Til børn

    • Legeplads
    • Miniklub (min. 4x om ugen -højsæson)
  • Aftenunderholdning

    • Diskotekaften
  • Sport og spil

    • Multisportsplads
    • Bordtennisbord
    • Tennis
    • Pétanque
    • Beachvolleybane
    • Bueskydning
    • Fitnessapparater
    • Ridning
    • Ponyridning
    • Mountainbikes
    • Opholdsrum
    • Tv
    • Kanoer
  • Vandsport og fritidsaktiviteter

    • Surfing tilladt
    • Vandcykler
    • Scuba-diving
    • Svømmedykning
    • Dykkerkursus
  • Wellness

    • Massage
  • Ved receptionen

    • Sprog, der tales i receptionen (i højsæsonen)
      • sprog: fransk
  • Udlejning

    • Mountainbikes
    • Cykler
    • Vandcykler
  • Vask, opvask, madlavning

    • Vaskemaskine(r)
    • Strygefaciliteter
  • Beliggenheden

    • Afstand til havet (max. 10 km)
      • afstand: 0.9 km
  • Forskelligt

    • Opladningssted for elbiler
      • antal: 4

Campingpladsens omgivelser

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