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Gitavillage Club degli Amici 

Gitavillage Club degli Amici 

Relax on the finest beaches of Italian Maremma

Fine sandy beaches, plenty of water fun and enough opportunities to get a taste of Tuscan life. Your holiday at Camping Club degli Amici mainly takes place on the Tyrrhenian coast, which you can easily walk to from the campsite. And the ambiance of the campsite restaurant is bound to appeal, as they serve delicious pizzas and Italian wines. This attractive family campsite is located in a quiet area in the Maremma, on the border of the Tuscany and Lazio regions. You will be surrounded by natural countryside and many pine trees. Get ready for a holiday in a Mediterranean atmosphere!

Tuscany and Lazio

Camping Club degli Amici is located in an oasis of peace, right on the border of the Tuscany and Lazio regions. You will be camping in a large natural pine forest. That’s a great advantage, because it means you will always have some protection against the Italian sun. It shines brightly here, especially in the summer months. The sea is always close by. The campsite is within walking distance of the beach. You can get there in no time via a lovely little bridge and a sandy path through the Mediterranean shrubs. All the ingredients for a top holiday are on hand here.

Fine sandy beach

The first sight of the beach will immediately put you in a tropical frame of mind. The turquoise water gently laps against the white sand, while colourful flowers wave at you in the background. This region of Italy has perhaps the most beautiful beaches in the country, and the fine sandy beach just in front of the campsite is also beautiful. A nice place to sunbathe and where the children can have hours of fun. There are parasols and sunbeds and every now and then you can take a refreshing dip in the water. Canoes and pedalo boats are available for the slightly more active beach-goer. And water sports such as surfing, windsurfing and sailing can also be practiced here.

Theatre and baby dance

Even when you are not on the beach or in the water, there is always plenty to do at Camping Club degli Amici. There are several sports fields to play football, tennis, volleyball or basketball. Of course there is also a nice playground for the children, and the entertainment team will be happy to take them out on a trip. Enjoy crafts, play fun games, explore nature together or enjoy a bit of theatre. The entertainment is very varied and is not just for young children. Activities are also organized for teenagers and adults, and they often liven up summer evenings at the bar with shows and live music. There is even a baby dance for the new parents.

A holiday for the dog

Your dog will go short of nothing on holiday. This is the place if you want to take your four-legged friend with you, as the campsite is well equipped with special facilities for dogs. There is an agility course and there is a separate section of beach by the sea where the dogs can run and play.

Mediterranean cuisine

The heart of the campsite beats around the attractive restaurant. What else would you expect? You are here in gastronomic Italy, so a holiday is not complete without an Italian meal. The campsite restaurant, with delicious pizzas and fine wines from the region, will not disappoint you. Choose whether you eat your meal under the pine trees on the terrace or take it back to your own camping pitch. You can of course also prepare a Mediterranean meal yourself. You can get everything you need for this in the campsite shop. You can also pick up your Italian lunch or breakfast here.

In the footsteps of the Etruscans Central

Central Italy is also the place where the Etruscans ruled for a long time. Even before the Romans lived in this area, they had left their mark. There are many archaeological excavation sites nearby where you can learn more about these times. Such as the Archaeological Park of Vulci, located around the city of Vulci that once was so important for the Etruscans. But there are more lovely places close by. The village of Pitigliano is special because of its location on the volcanic hills. The nearby villages of Sovana and Sorano are also hidden gems. From the campsite, it is also possible to make excursions through Maremma and Tuscany. This way you get to know the countryside and beautiful places such as the Isola del Giglio and the lookout point on the Monte Argentario peninsula.
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Vores gunstige bookingbetingelser

  • Forudbetaling kun 15%, resten 5 uger før ankomst
  • Mulighed for at betale i rater, kort og bankoverførsel
  • Med FlexGaranti - gratis afbestilling op til 6 uger før ankomst
  • Loyalitetsprogram SunBonus
  • Sunnycamp holidays er tilsluttet det tyske rejseforbund ”Deutscher ReiseVerband” (DRV). Mere information

  • Sunnycamp holidays er tilsluttet til SGR. Mere information

  • Powered by ACSI


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Detaljeret information over campingpladsen


Gitavillage Club degli Amici

Loc. Paglieto Grande
01014 - Pescia Romana
Afstand fra Flensborg: 1.794 km

Planlæg rute

Koordinater: 42°22'3"N 11°29'18"E

CIN: IT056035B1H4Y5ZJC2
CIR: 056035-CMP-00003

Campingpladsens beliggenhed
  • Afstand til havet (max. 10 km)
    • afstand: 0 km

Rejs miljøbevidst

Hvor meget CO2 udleder du med denne rejse? Vi beregner det for dig (afgangssted Flensborg). Træf et miljøbevidst valg ved at vælge grønnere transportmuligheder og reducer din CO2-udedning.

Hvordan beregnes CO2-udledningen? Vi har antaget, at der kommer fire personer. Vi har beregnet følgende emissioner pr. person:
Tog: 0,03 kg pr. Kilometer
Bil: 0,137 kg pr. Kilometer
Fly: Fra 0,59 kg til 1,04 kg pr. kilometer, alt afhængig af afstanden

En lavere CO2-emission er bedre for miljøet. Vælger du en oplevelse med mening?

Hvordan beregnes CO2-udledningen? Vi har antaget, at der kommer fire personer. Vi har beregnet følgende emissioner pr. person:
Tog: 0,03 kg pr. Kilometer
Bil: 0,137 kg pr. Kilometer
Fly: Fra 0,59 kg til 1,04 kg pr. kilometer, alt afhængig af afstanden

En lavere CO2-emission er bedre for miljøet. Vælger du en oplevelse med mening?

Mere info


Se pladskort for Gitavillage Club degli Amici​ her. Du kan også downloade pladskorten som en pdf.


Almene oplysninger

Campingpladserne besøges hvert år i maj-september af inspektører fra ACSI. Ændringer, som foretages af campingpladsen efter besøgene, kan vi desværre ikke tage forbehold for og vil i sådanne tilfælde ikke fremgå af vores hjemmeside.

23-05-2025 til 23-09-2025
4 ha
Højde over havets overflade
Total antal standpladser

Campingpladserne besøges hvert år i maj-september af inspektører fra ACSI. Ændringer, som foretages af campingpladsen efter besøgene, kan vi desværre ikke tage forbehold for og vil i sådanne tilfælde ikke fremgå af vores hjemmeside.

  • Wifi/ Internet

    • Wifi 80-100% dækning
  • Svømning

    • Svømning i havet muligt (max. 0,5 km)
    • Beliggende ved havet (max. 0,5 km)
  • Strand

    • Sandstrand
  • Til børn

    • Nogle legeredskaber
    • Animationsprogram: Børn (min. 2x om ugen -højsæson)
      • sprog: italiensk
      • periode: 16-06/08-09
    • Legeplads
    • Miniklub (min. 4x om ugen -højsæson)
      • sprog: italiensk
    • Animation til børn fra 13 til og med 18 år (min. 2x pr. uge)
      • sprog: italiensk
      • periode: 16-06/08-09
  • Fritid (voksne)

    • Animationsprogram: Voksne (min. 2x om ugen -højsæson)
      • sprog: italiensk
      • periode: 16-06/08-09
    • Ekskursionsprogram (min. 2x om ugen -højsæson)
      • periode: 16-06/08-09
    • Ledsagede vandringsture
      • periode: 16-06/08-09
  • Sport og spil

    • Multisportsplads
    • Bordtennisbord
    • Tennis
    • Ridning
    • Spilleautomater
    • Kanoer
  • Vandsport og fritidsaktiviteter

    • Surfing tilladt
    • Sejlsport tilladt
    • Sejlbåde
    • Kajakker
    • Vandcykler
    • Lystfiskeri muligt
  • Ved receptionen

    • Pas/id-kort obligatorisk
    • Sprog, der tales i receptionen (i højsæsonen)
      • sprog: tysk | engelsk | fransk | italiensk
    • Betaling med kreditkort muligt
      • kreditkort: mastercard | visacard
    • Receptionen er nemt tilgængelig for handicappede
    • Betaling med kort/Maestro kort muligt
  • Udlejning

    • Sejlbåde
    • Kajakker
    • Vandcykler
    • Bokse
  • Mad og drikke

    • Fælles barbecueplads
    • Snackbar
    • Måltider til afhentning
    • Levnedsmidler: stort sortiment
    • Friskbagt brød kan købes på campingpladsen
    • Pizzeria
    • Restaurant (med varieret menukort)
    • Barbecue tilladt
      • grill-type: gas
    • Bar
  • Hæveautomat

    • Pengeautomat/muligt at hæve penge
  • Sanitære faciliteter

    • Håndvask: koldt vand
    • Individuelle vaskekabiner: koldt vand
    • Brusebade: varmt vand
    • Siddetoiletter
    • Toiletter uden sæde
    • Tømning af kemi-toiletter muligt
  • Vask, opvask, madlavning

    • Vaskemaskine(r)
    • Vaskekumme til tøj: koldt vand
    • Køkkenvask med koldt vand
  • Beliggenheden

    • Afstand til havet (max. 10 km)
      • afstand: 0 km
  • Bund og beplantning

    • Græs
    • Sandjord
    • Afgrænsede pladser
    • Pladser uden skygge
    • Pladser med en smule skygge
    • Pladser med megen skygge
  • Handicappede

    • En douche (mindst 1,50x1,50) + et toilet (mindst 1,65mx2,20m eller1,90mx1,90m)
    • Handicapsanitære - kun adgang for handicappede
    • Sanitære faciliteter for handikappede i samme blok som for andre kampister
    • Kantine/restaurant i stueetage eller tilgængelig via skrånende overflade til kørestol
    • Kantine/restaurant har toilet for handikappede
    • Campingbutik/supermarked i stueetage eller tilgængelig via skrånende overflade til kørestol
  • Forskelligt

    • Bevogtet område
    • Fredfyldt om dagen
    • Fredfyldt om natten
    • Belyste stier og veje
    • Indkørsel forbudt i middagspausen
      • tid: 13.00-16.00

Campingpladsens omgivelser

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Campingpladser i området