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Baia Holiday Piccola Gardiola 

Baia Holiday Piccola Gardiola 

A holiday paradise with ambiance in the countryside

If you want to spend your holiday on the mountainous west coast of the famous Lake Garda, this friendly campsite is the place for you! Concept Village Piccola Gardiola is located on the less touristy side of Lake Garda. Wonderfully peaceful, away from everything and with plenty of time for each other; but still with everything Lake Garda has to offer just around the corner. The campsite is located right next to Lake Garda and the view is wonderful. This small, modern campsite has plenty of atmosphere, is child-friendly, and you can take your dog with you.

Right beside the lake

Even though the campsite does not have a swimming pool, the jacuzzis and its location on the shore of the lake mean there is no shortage of water fun. You can walk from the campsite to Lake Garda along a lovely pebble beach, so be sure to pack your beach shoes! There is a strip of grass where they young ones can play and where you can enjoy the sunshine. There are sun loungers and parasols on the raised sun deck.

Private toilet facilities, privacy and comfort

The camping pitches at this small campsite are not large, but each pitch has its own private toilet facilities. This means you have plenty of privacy and you can go camping with all home comforts! The luxury of private toilet facilities is ideal for families with young children. The campsite has a limited number of pitches and accommodation, so book well in advance!

Pleasure on and in this beautiful lake

You can enjoy summer drinks, snacks and a lovely view of the lake from the modern, sunny terrace of Concept Village Piccola Gardiola. There are several restaurants within walking distance of the campsite where you can enjoy delicious pizzas and pastas, risotto and other Italian dishes. There are several supermarkets within a 5 kilometre radius if you need to do some shopping.

For young and old adventurers

You don’t need to go far to have a good time. Bob around on the lake on your airbed, try a round of table tennis, or surprise yourselves by the impressive surroundings of the mountains, olive trees and vineyards. The area around the campsite is perfect for a large number of (water) sports activities and also for walking or cycling. An excursion from the campsite to the island of Isola del Garda is recommended. Not only the parents, but also the children will appreciate the boat trip and the magical villa on the island. The children will without doubt enjoy a visit to Gardaland, which is a half hour drive away. This large theme park on Lake Garda has the most exciting roller coasters and wild water rapids. There are also lovely attractions for younger children.

Attractive villages

The lovely village of San Felice del Banaco and the tourist village of Saló are less than a quarter of an hour away by bike. You can eat and drink well in these villages, and some shopping and an Italian ice cream will make your holiday complete! When you’ve had enough of the crowds, you can go back to the campsite and relax completely.

For sporty holidaymakers, there are excursion programmes and various cycling routes nearby. You can swim in a lake/recreational pool nearby, and snorkelling, windsurfing and water-skiing are all permitted at Concept Village Piccola Gardiola.

There is a small playground for young children at Concept Village Piccola Gardiola.
Challenge your fellow campers to a table tennis competition.
There is a snack bar for light bites, and you won’t need to deny yourself contact with the outside world here in Italy, as there is a wifi point and you can use the internet with your own laptop in 80% of the campsite.
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Fordele ved tidlig booking:

  • Intet bookinggebyr (- 25€)
  • Ekstra rabat på 25€ for bookinger over 1000€.
  • Gratis ændring og/eller annullering inden 15. marts 2025
  • Gratis sengelinned i alle SUNLODGE indkvarteringer
  • Rabat SunBonus for tilbagevendende kunder
  • Sunnycamp holidays er tilsluttet det tyske rejseforbund ”Deutscher ReiseVerband” (DRV). Mere information

  • Sunnycamp holidays er tilsluttet til SGR. Mere information

  • Powered by ACSI


Detaljeret information over campingpladsen


Baia Holiday Piccola Gardiola

Via Gardiola 36
25010 - San Felice del Benaco
Afstand fra Flensborg: 1.354 km

Planlæg rute

Koordinater: 45°34'33"N 10°33'5"E

CIR: 017171-CAM-00005

Campingpladsens beliggenhed
  • Offentlige befordringsmidler (max. 0,5 km)
    • afstand: 0.3 km
  • Beliggende ved sø/sø med fritidsaktiviteter (max. 0,1 km)

Rejs miljøbevidst

Hvor meget CO2 udleder du med denne rejse? Vi beregner det for dig (afgangssted Flensborg). Træf et miljøbevidst valg ved at vælge grønnere transportmuligheder og reducer din CO2-udedning.

Hvordan beregnes CO2-udledningen? Vi har antaget, at der kommer fire personer. Vi har beregnet følgende emissioner pr. person:
Tog: 0,03 kg pr. Kilometer
Bil: 0,137 kg pr. Kilometer
Fly: Fra 0,59 kg til 1,04 kg pr. kilometer, alt afhængig af afstanden

En lavere CO2-emission er bedre for miljøet. Vælger du en oplevelse med mening?

Hvordan beregnes CO2-udledningen? Vi har antaget, at der kommer fire personer. Vi har beregnet følgende emissioner pr. person:
Tog: 0,03 kg pr. Kilometer
Bil: 0,137 kg pr. Kilometer
Fly: Fra 0,59 kg til 1,04 kg pr. kilometer, alt afhængig af afstanden

En lavere CO2-emission er bedre for miljøet. Vælger du en oplevelse med mening?

Mere info


Se pladskort for Baia Holiday Piccola Gardiola​ her. Du kan også downloade pladskorten som en pdf.


Almene oplysninger

Campingpladserne besøges hvert år i maj-september af inspektører fra ACSI. Ændringer, som foretages af campingpladsen efter besøgene, kan vi desværre ikke tage forbehold for og vil i sådanne tilfælde ikke fremgå af vores hjemmeside.

17-04-2025 til 20-10-2025
0,4 ha
Højde over havets overflade
Total antal standpladser

Campingpladserne besøges hvert år i maj-september af inspektører fra ACSI. Ændringer, som foretages af campingpladsen efter besøgene, kan vi desværre ikke tage forbehold for og vil i sådanne tilfælde ikke fremgå af vores hjemmeside.

  • Wifi/ Internet

    • Wifi 80-100% dækning
  • Svømning

    • Bademulighed i sø/sø med fritidsaktiviteter
    • Beliggende ved sø/sø med fritidsaktiviteter (max. 0,1 km)
  • Strand

    • Grusstrand
  • Til børn

    • Nogle legeredskaber
  • Sport og spil

    • Bordtennisbord
    • Fitnessapparater
    • Cykelruter, der starter ved campingpladsen
      • sværhedsgrad: svær | gennemsnitligt
    • Tv
  • Vandsport og fritidsaktiviteter

    • Sejlsport tilladt
    • Vandskiløbning tilladt
    • Egen både tilladt
    • Bådebro/fortøjningsbøje
    • Lystfiskeri muligt
  • Wellness

    • Hydromassage
  • Ved receptionen

    • Pas/id-kort obligatorisk
    • Sprog, der tales i receptionen (i højsæsonen)
      • sprog: tysk | engelsk | italiensk
    • Betaling med kreditkort muligt
      • kreditkort: mastercard | visacard
    • ACSI Club ID accepteres som identitetsbevis
    • Betaling med kort/Maestro kort muligt
  • Udlejning

    • Cykler
  • Mad og drikke

    • Snackbar
    • Friskbagt brød kan købes på campingpladsen
    • Restaurant med begrænset udvalg
    • Barbecue tilladt
      • grill-type: kul | elektrisk | gas
    • Bar
  • Sanitære faciliteter

    • Håndvask: koldt vand
    • Håndvask: varmt vand
    • Siddetoiletter
    • Tømning af kemi-toiletter muligt
  • Vask, opvask, madlavning

    • Vaskemaskine(r)
    • Tørretumbler
    • Vaskekumme til tøj: varmt vand
    • Køkkenvask med koldt vand
    • Køkkenvask med varmt vand
  • Beliggenheden

    • Offentlige befordringsmidler (max. 0,5 km)
      • afstand: 0.3 km
    • Beliggende ved sø/sø med fritidsaktiviteter (max. 0,1 km)
  • Bund og beplantning

    • Terrasseformet campingplads
    • Pladser med en smule skygge
  • Handicappede

    • Eventuelle dørlukkere ikke for kraftige (3-4 kg tryk)
    • Sanitære faciliteter for handikappede i samme blok som for andre kampister
    • Kantine/restaurant i stueetage eller tilgængelig via skrånende overflade til kørestol
    • Kombination af toilet-douche (mindst 2,15mx2,15m)
  • Forskelligt

    • Fredfyldt om dagen
    • Fredfyldt om natten
    • Belyste stier og veje

Campingpladsens omgivelser

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