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Resort Calella de Palafrugell *****

Resort Calella de Palafrugell *****

Enjoy the Spanish sun in comfort

This Spanish campsite is spaciously laid out, has plenty of greenery and a wonderful leisure pool. You‘ll be camping in a lovely spot, close to the beautiful Costa Brava beaches. You can camp at Camping Resort Calella de Palafrugell among the large trees that provide wonderful cooling shade in the summer. You’ll need that with the Spanish sun!

The perfect destination for all ages

There’s something for every member of the family at Camping Resort Calella de Palafrugell. One of them might want to play a round of (beach) volleyball, while another plays football, and yet another runs around the table tennis table in dizzying circles. The children will undoubtedly amuse themselves in the large playground, or maybe they’ll make friends in the miniclub.
The leisure pool is laid out in a beautiful lagoon style, so you can dream away while taking a refreshing dip. There’s plenty of room to relax on the sun terrace. The entertainment team at Resort Calella de Palafrugell organise various sports events. You can take part in (Nordic) walking and cycle tours, so you can get in shape and enjoy the surroundings at the same time. If you don’t take your own bike, you can rent one at the campsite. You can also take part in sports in the small fitness room.

Discover the Costa Brava’s beautiful countryside

The surroundings have plenty to offer. The enormous bay with small sandy beaches is the perfect spot to watch the sunset. The lovely resort of Calella de Palafrugell is within walking distance, and you’ll find a number of buildings there that look like the blue and white houses you can see in Greece. There’s also plenty to experience a bit further away from the campsite. There are many lovely beaches, and the long sandy beaches at L’Estartit are perfect for young children and inexperienced swimmers.
There are plenty of places worth a visit in the vicinity. A market is held somewhere every day of the week. Walk along the narrow streets of Tossa del Mar, where you’ll find plenty of small bars, restaurants and artists’ studios. When you enter the town of Pals, you will imagine you are in the Middle Ages. Gerona is a beautiful historic town, and the old, completely restored centre is encircled by a city wall. Well worth visiting is the labyrinth of narrow lanes in the old Jewish quarter, known as El Call.

Feel at home on the campsite

Cultural evenings, discos, evenings with live music and karaoke are organised in high season. You can eat and drink well in the bar and restaurant, but if you prefer to eat at your place, the well-stocked supermarket with a bakery sells everything you will need.
You can stay in touch with the outside world while you’re at this Spanish campsite using the free internet that is available throughout the grounds. Wishing you a pleasant stay at Resort Calella de Palafrugell.
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Vores gunstige bookingbetingelser

  • Forudbetaling kun 15%, resten 5 uger før ankomst
  • Mulighed for at betale i rater, kort og bankoverførsel
  • Med FlexGaranti - gratis afbestilling op til 6 uger før ankomst
  • Loyalitetsprogram SunBonus
  • Sunnycamp holidays er tilsluttet det tyske rejseforbund ”Deutscher ReiseVerband” (DRV). Mere information

  • Sunnycamp holidays er tilsluttet til SGR. Mere information

  • Powered by ACSI


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Total score
8,9 Score fra 7 bedømmelser

Familie med børn, 12 – 18 år

fijne camping ... niet te groot.
Goed eten en vlak bij het strand



Familie camping dicht in het dorp


Familie med børn <4 år

Rustige camping dichtbij het strand van Calella de Parafrugel. Goed verzorgd, mooi zwembad, fris sanitair. Ietwat beperkte speelfaciliteiten voor kleine kinderen.


Familie med børn, 12 – 18 år

Schoon, rustig en gunstig gelegen


Familie med børn, forskellige aldre

Zeer nette camping, compact, mooi zuiver zwembad



Mooie camping


Familie med børn, 4 – 12 år

Schoon! Netjes! Gezellig! Goed eten in de supermarkt en verse broodjes bij de bakker.
Min punten: de activiteiten voor kinderen vanaf 6 jaar vond ik schaars en niet duidelijk! Niemand sprak NL(voor de kids)



Resort Calella de Palafrugell

Carrer de Fuerteventura, s/n
17210 - Calella de Palafrugell
Afstand fra Flensborg: 1.848 km

Planlæg rute

Koordinater: 41°53'50"N 3°10'58"E

Rejs miljøbevidst

Hvor meget CO2 udleder du med denne rejse? Vi beregner det for dig (afgangssted Flensborg). Træf et miljøbevidst valg ved at vælge grønnere transportmuligheder og reducer din CO2-udedning.

Hvordan beregnes CO2-udledningen? Vi har antaget, at der kommer fire personer. Vi har beregnet følgende emissioner pr. person:
Tog: 0,03 kg pr. Kilometer
Bil: 0,137 kg pr. Kilometer
Fly: Fra 0,59 kg til 1,04 kg pr. kilometer, alt afhængig af afstanden

En lavere CO2-emission er bedre for miljøet. Vælger du en oplevelse med mening?

Hvordan beregnes CO2-udledningen? Vi har antaget, at der kommer fire personer. Vi har beregnet følgende emissioner pr. person:
Tog: 0,03 kg pr. Kilometer
Bil: 0,137 kg pr. Kilometer
Fly: Fra 0,59 kg til 1,04 kg pr. kilometer, alt afhængig af afstanden

En lavere CO2-emission er bedre for miljøet. Vælger du en oplevelse med mening?

Mere info


Se pladskort for Resort Calella de Palafrugell​ her. Du kan også downloade pladskorten som en pdf.


Almene oplysninger

Campingpladserne besøges hvert år i maj-september af inspektører fra ACSI. Ændringer, som foretages af campingpladsen efter besøgene, kan vi desværre ikke tage forbehold for og vil i sådanne tilfælde ikke fremgå af vores hjemmeside.

13,5 ha
Total antal standpladser

Campingpladserne besøges hvert år i maj-september af inspektører fra ACSI. Ændringer, som foretages af campingpladsen efter besøgene, kan vi desværre ikke tage forbehold for og vil i sådanne tilfælde ikke fremgå af vores hjemmeside.

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